
Melbourne City

彩铺子·云南传统过桥米线是彩云南餐饮集团为过桥米线专门推出的独立品牌,第一家店成立于2016年,位于Box Hill station st,一开业已大受欢迎。现今位于240 Swanston st Melbourne的全新店面更是把过桥米线的精髓“汤烫,碗烫,米线烫”发挥的淋漓尽致,专门从过桥米线原产地云南蒙自订购的土陶大碗,加热到280度高温,配上用老鸡,猪骨,火腿慢火熬制8小时的高汤,真材实料,足两足称,让劳累一天的您,有一碗好汤,等您下班。

Number One Noodle Cuisine Crossing the Bridge Rice Noodles

Crossing-the-bridge noodles have been around for over 100 years and hold status as part of Kunming City's intangible cultural heritage, which was granted in 2008 to promote Yunnan's food culture. The dish comprises a large bowl of boiling hot broth and soup in- gredients. The soup is made with chicken, pork bones and seasonings such as Chinese star anise and ginger, also a layer of chicken fat insulates the soup and therefore keeps it warm longer.

The ingredients are separate and include raw vegetables and lightly cooked meat, including thin slices of fish, ham, pork, strips of bean curd, chives, sprouts and, of course the famous rice noodles. Once added into the broth, they cook quickly with a layer of oil glistening on top.

The soup only takes a few minutes to cook, and it can then be spooned out into small bowls. Jim Thurman of LA Weekly writes: "The rice noodles and fresh chicken is reminiscent of an extremely subtle version of Viet- namese pho ga (chicken pho), which shouldnt surprise anyone, as Yunnan shares a border with Vietnam."



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Contact Us

开门时间 / Openning hours:
Monday - Sunday 11:30-15:30 17:00-21:00

地址 / Address: 240 Swanston Street, Melbourne VIC 3000

电话 / Tel. +61 (0) 3 8590 3476